Collection: Shop Signed-Friendship -Presentation Quilts

Signed-Friendship-Presentation Quilts 

This page will offer for sale quilts that can be signature quilts, autograph quilts, signed quilts, inscribed quilts, stamped quilts, dated quilts, group quilts, quilts by organizations, family quilts, commemorative quilts and album quilts.

 One often thinks of the old quilting bee where friends and sometimes family gathered and quilted to catch up on events and be social. This was often a time to share and enjoy the company of other women generally.

Sometimes it was a place where the young girls would try their first attempt at quilting. 

I have often heard of the stories where after a less accomplished quilter or one where the eyesight may not have been great would leave for the day, then one of the others may take out stitches if they weren't up to the standards of the others!

Sometimes too these quilts were made for special people that were leaving the community such as a preacher as they often moved from town to town. Sometimes they were made as fund raisers.

I love hearing when a quilt that was purchased from us that the buyer had the opportunity to do some research on the name or names and come up with the background of the people who signed it and the purpose for the quilt originally. 

I have also known people that have purchased quilts that were signature, friendship, or other that donated the quilt back to the original region where it was made, like to an institution or organization where it could be shared and enjoyed by others for years to come.

I encourage you to take a look at these quilts that have the recorded history on them by signatures and or dates, organizations. This is recorded history on a quilt and that history will follow that quilt and can tell a story .  

May one “speak” to you as we say !